Rainy day…

My morning was like the other days, nothing special anymore. I arrived at work and I continued programming my program. After some hours I finally finished it. I demonstrated the program to my colleague and we tested it for bugs or other vulnerabilities, but we found nothing.

After the testing part I had to create some triggers in the database, sounds very easy, but when the SQL statement for the trigger is over 10 lines long then its no longer funny.

My colleague has great skills in such SQL stuff but I don’t wanna ask him, besides I like challenges.

At my work the colleagues are very polite but im taking more time to solve this problem by myself because this way I can learn something more and my colleague can continue with his own work.

After I finished everything my colleague introduced me with their automation virtual machine, this is a virtual computer where all the important scripts are running all the day & 24/7.

Overall a nice day because I managed to reach my goals and tomorrow I can start installing and configuring the script on the virtual computer.

When I went out of the school I just saw dark clouds and it was heavily raining. As a result of the heavy rain, the cars were driving very slowly.

As I arrived tired at home, I ate something with my host family and went out for a walk in the evening because the weather had finally gotten better.

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