8th May → 8th June

Today I took a look at the calendar and I realized that we will depart in one month. Let’s see what I can do in the next weekends.
So far, my day was normal, like all the other days. I got access to a new platform which consists on signing documents online. Now my task is to use the developer API and create a program which will fetch all the filled forms from the users. When I requested the API key, I had to wait some hours.

I used this time to make the documentation from my previous project. I tried to use the corporate design from the twin school and take care of the requirements from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Berlin. When I finished the documentation, I gave it to my colleague. He took a look on it and was very happy with it. After I finished this, I checked again the status from my API request and unfortunately it was still pending.
I continued learning like the previous day.
At the moment it’s not the best weather here in London, just rainy and darkness everywhere.
I had a “modest” diner, pizza from the oven. But after such unhealthy stuff, I decided to go out for walk. Okay, it was raining outside but this it’s not a big deal for walking, pull ups and push ups.

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