Learn, Relax and Ice

Today was a bank holiday in the United Kingdom, in Germany this holiday is on the first of May, but here it’s on the first Monday of May. So I decided to rest a bit and learn for some certificates, which I am planning to do in the near future. After the learning time, my roommate asked me if I wanted to go with him to the “CoOp” supermarket that is near our house. We went together there and got something to eat and of course, we got ice cream because… okay the temperature outside was around 10 degrees but ice cream is always a good choice.

We also had a lot of fun looking at the prices in the supermarket. Every product which is very unhealthy is cheap and products which are very healthy are very expensive. Even some sweets that are very expensive in Germany here you can find them for a very cheap price. So it’s always a challenge to not buy them and not getting fat in London.
To prevent this issue I still do sports every day, I go out for around one hour, go jogging for around 5 kilometres, train and do some push and pull ups.

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