Some differences between Germans and Londoners

In my last blog entry I will give my readers an overview of what I differences in culture I have noticed between my home country of Germany and England. A common German stereotype is that they are very direct. Living in Berlin, I can confirm this. On the other hand British people are quite polite but take pretty long to get to the point in a conversation. I noticed this communicating with coworkers and people I met. Another point is that British people are very welcoming and open, I noticed this especially with my host mother, who was also kind to us.

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2 Weeks since London

I’ve been in Berlin now for 2 weeks, and I’m happy to be back here, rather than in London. Even though I had a fun time due to the fact that family and friends visited me, I did miss my other friends and family in Berlin. Yesterday my Grandfather turned 77 and the whole family met up and had we had a great time. I was happy to see all of my family, since I hadn’t seen them in 2 months.

„2 Weeks since London“ weiterlesen


This will be my last blog entry, i am now back in germany and i thought about the time in belfast. There is a lot happening and i have experienced a lot of new things. It was a unique experience and i am happy to have been there. I have noticed that me and the other trainees get along very well together and we make a good team, but of course there are also some things that have bothered me . For example the time. i think 8 weeks are too long because i missed my family and my girlfriend very much. Furthermore the organization in belfast was a bit unfavorable. All in all it was a nice time and i would do it (a bit shorter) again.


My reflexion

A work placement abroad. For me, during the time before it was a great feeling. Having that as part of my apprenticeship I understood as chance. A chance to combine my everyday learning experience with another environment in several aspects. A chance to integrate to that other environment and continue getting work experience. It was my second educational stay abroad on my own. I could also count it as my second longest stay abroad generally. For that reason, our general situation and concerning the accommodation was not new for me: Not to speak your mother tongue but to communicate in English nearly all the time. To live with a host family and to have also host siblings. Another aspect was to get used to a new local environment including the neighbourhood and the local public transport. But also some circumstances like driving on the left and to be less as pedestrian than in Germany: Drivers do not wait for you to cross a street parallel to them before turning off. And to be honest, I expected something else thinking of a host family: A nice community to chat, eat and live with. And contacts for some tips of what to experience in or around London. Well, at least I was provided a park nearby, a long public meadow next door and public fitness devices outdoor. And I was not far from a train station. „My reflexion“ weiterlesen

Back in Berlin

I’ve been back in Germany for about a week now. Retrospectively I had a great time in London, if it was the visitation of my friend, my uncle, or my parents. Those where basically the highlights. Even if the work itself wasn’t the best because it didn’t have much to to with IT, I am glad I could be in a foreign country and experience working there.

„Back in Berlin“ weiterlesen

One week after the Internship

Last Sunday was the last day of us staying in Northern Ireland. After one week to get used to being back in Germany, I found out that there are somethings I got used to really fast in Belfast. It begins with smaller thinks like the weather being sunnier and less rainy and ends with such seemingly trivia things like speaking German in the supermarket or free time. I cannot believe how easy it was to get used to Belfast, after being back for one week. „One week after the Internship“ weiterlesen

Flying Back Home

Today was our very last day in London and I still needed to pack some things so I got up pretty early. I took a quick shower and then packed the rest into my luggage that was my dirty laundry from the last three days, some shoes, my „waschtasche“ and my towels. After I did that I brought down my luggage and then brought the trash from our room out together with my roommate Nickolas because it was a lot of trash. Afterwards we made ourselves some food and then watched some TV. The rest was just waiting until Max, our host father, brought us to the agency so we can take the bus to the airport from there. We left our host family some little presents as a thanks for the good and wonderful time we had in their house.

All in all I got very lucky with the whole trip and internship. I had a very very good internship at Intersys IT and a very very good managing director Simon who taught me a lot, I was very happy there and had a really good time. I am very grateful for the time there and the chance Simon gave me to learn something from him. And I am very very thankful that I could have such a great and wonderful host family that gave me so much freedom and did so much for me to make my stay as good as possible and it was even better than that because Eve and Max were two very loving and kindhearted persons who took care of us really really well and I definitely recommend these two if you want to stay in London for some time.

Back to the Roots

On the last day Steven and I got up early because we had to leave our room until 10 o’clock so it could be cleaned. We brought our luggage downstairs and I then made myself a delicious omelette. We spent some time in front of the tv and I used the time to write some blog entries until at 13 o’clock our host father brought us to the Twin centre where everybody else was already waiting for the bus which was supposed to bring us to the Stansted airport.
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Some Concluding Thoughts

All and all I was satisfied with some aspects of my internship in London, others not that much. On the one hand London was quite expensive, gladly I had saved up enough money to last me the two months. To add to that, my work placement wasn’t the best, considering it didn’t have much to do with IT related work.

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