Apartment Crawling and got sick…

Day 05 – 14/05/2010

Hello to everyone,

I was right. Now I have a bad cold with fever, headaches and a blocked nose. Therefore I asked Mbemba if it would be better to stay in my bed to get healthy and do not infect someone at work, because the office is very small with many people in it.

Fortunately, he accommodated my request and I could stay in my bed the whole day until Alexander Holuscha changed his apartment from the Lad Lanes to Herberton. So I had to switch my room, too.

They first wanted to accommodate us in an apartment with no internet access and roommates, who appeared to have the hoard and clutter syndrome. When Ricardo, the caretaker of the Herberton Apartments, opened their bathroom, he was fighting with himself to not vomit on the floor.

So he understood that we want to have another apartment. We are now accommodated in a two bed apartment with the dark prospect to change our accommodation again on Monday to an apartment for six people. We tried everything within our power to stay in our currently apartment – so just wait and see what will happen on Monday after our work. Hopefully they will forget us .

Ein Gedanke zu „Apartment Crawling and got sick…“

  1. Ich hoffe sehr, dass ihr beide das Apartment behalten dürft oder in ein anderes, kleineres Apartment kommt. Sprich… nicht in das 6er Apartment.
    Stell ich mir nicht so toll vor mit so vielen Fremden mein essen etc teilen zu müssen…

    Liebe Grüße

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