something about my work…

Moin everyone, this time I’ll start with my work even through there would be enough to tell about my hollydays. The last two weeks I was working on the design of a new website for On Wensday I had to present it to my Chefs so I worked hard and was ready after abount one week. I used the rest of the week to build a backend so the that the people would still be able to modefie the page after I’m gone. At the meeting my Chef then told me that he likes the design but wanted everything compatible with his CMS Joomla. So last thuesday I began to lern how to build templates for joomla. Its reltivley easy and I really don’t know what they are going to do with me when I’m done with the page because there is not much more work to do. As Lionel already wrote mine and his Weekend (and even midweeks) was full of nice people and party. BBQ on a roof, the beach etc. etc. hope we can stay close to this level of entertainment for the remaining weeks.

regards Tim