High-ranking Visit

After having a very chilled (and rainy! what a wonder, right?) day off on Monday because of bank holidays, it was time to say a very early (4.30 am) goodbye to my fiancé after one week, which made me a bit sad again. We both hate it being apart from each other. But I don’t want to start a hopeless romantic story for you guys now.

My workday started around 9am as usual, but in a slightly sleepy way, I’ve to admit. When Emin left this morning, I couldn’t really sleep after unfortunately. But thank god for the invention of coffee! So after two (or even three?) cups later, I felt pumped again to start this week in the most motivated way I could raise for the fourth week. I decided to start my day with finish building those templates, which I wrote in my last post about. Around 10.30 am I recognized some familiar German spoken voices behind my back. It was Mister Bavar and Hebel indeed, who came over for a visit as promised before already. I introduced them to all my colleagues and we decided to go to the kitchen after it to have more quiet for a proper talk. We chatted about half an hour and managed to organize a get together with the other trainees at Caffè Nero at 1.30 pm. Mister Bavar, who was off to go to visit Marie, whose workplace is only about five minutes away from mine, and Hebel left. I started to work again before I had to leave to our meeting with the rest of the Afib-group.

Unfortunately our first meeting point was too packed for a group of nine people, so we had to leave and went to another Caffè Nero which was around the corner literally. Like everything else in Belfast actually. It’s definitely one of the few benefits of a small city. When we have arrived, Mister Bavar invited us all for a desired drink. Everyone of us told a bit about the work, accommodation and general impressions about Belfast. Most of us were in agreement about one point: being happy and eased to go back to home in 4 and a half weeks.

About one hour later the whole group decided to go to grab some food somewhere as actually anyone didn’t eat lunch except me.  So I recommend the amazing pub „Bootleggers“ with one of the best burgers I’ve ever eaten (the „Brooklyn Ripper“ burger is highly recommendable).

I guided the group there (even though I totally failed and needed some support of google maps) and left them with the hope that they’re going to enjoy the burger as I did the weekend before.

My day ended pretty much as usual with a sweaty session at the gym (and yes, I saw Marie there as well, who guaranteed me that they really enjoyed all my recommendation) and a freshly cooked dinner at home with some nice talks with my roommates.