Off we go, way to the south

We came back recently from Dublin and it really was an interesting adventure.

The tour started at 8:30 a.m which is very early concerning it is Saturday.None the less we all gathered at the right time, and went for a 2h journey in the bus. Enough time for me to take a quick nap.

We arrived by 11 a.m and had no idea what we wanted to visit. So we went to a Burger King and had a quick breakfast/lunch type of meal. After that we decided to just go straight forward and see where it takes us.

And the plan worked out just like it sounds. I mean, of course we saw quite a bit of the city, but mostly it were some smaller corners or some parks, but not may things that were known as tourist attractions.

Then we went to a entrance of a university. It turned out to be the Trinity College. We went there because there said to be a exhibition called „The Book of Kells“, which sounded quite interesting. But as soon as we got there we quickly resigned due to the amount of people waiting on the entrance. It looked like it were more than one hundred people waiting.

After that we decided to have a more strict direction to certain places. Our main goal was the Guinness Distillery. And again, who would have thought, a humongous amount of people waiting on the entrance. This time even more than for the Book of Kells. So again we went along. But we wanted definitely to try a Guinness that was made freshly, and not the stuff we got in Belfast. One of my Colleagues told me that there is quite a difference if you drink Guinness directly in Dublin compared to if you drink it in Belfast.

And he was right. we found a little Pub near the distillery and had a Guiness, and it realy tasted better that everything we got in Belfast.

And so time flies by, the day started to get to an end and we searched our way back to the bus.