the last massacre of the week

So today we had our meeting with the agency and I have to say that is was somewhat of a disaster. well… I may be overexegurating but it was not their best representation.

The day started very relaxed and without any stress. we did our usual stuff, had a quick talk here and there until about 3 p.m. because we had a meeting set up at 4 in the agency.

We met up all in front of the building, stepped in and had a brief talk about our time here. We also had to let our supervisor fill in a brief form about our time in the office and a evaluation sheet beforehand. This is where the problems started. Our form was set up wrong, especially the names were completely messed up. That was what I tried to communicate to the agency, but they did not understand anything.

The dialog was like:

me: We didn’t sign the form because the name was written wrong on these pages
(shows every mistake)

agency: okay, we will correct it

*10 minutes later*

agency: why did you not sign your documents?

me: because, as I told you before, the names were written wrong

agency: yes, but if you don’t show me where the mistakes are we cannot correct them.

me: …I just showed you a few minutes ago

agency: yes, but if you don’t show me where the mistakes are we cannot correct them.


At this point I had enough of this agency. Not only that they were not able to write a name correctly, but they also don’t listen to what one tells them and remember even less.

Luckily we are heading home soon, so that I don’t have to deal with them anymore.