Finishing the work

Yesterday I had finished the detailed list about what is missing at the helpdesks. It took me about half an hour until I got everything together. After that I controlled if I had listed everything I need. I edited my list because I had forgot to include microphones that are needed at every helpdesk. The next problem was, that the students had left all their rubbish in the cupboards. I took a note which cupboard has been affected by some kind of rubbish. After that I presented the table to Gareth. He said that he was lucky that I had been here at the moment because he had not the time to do that. We talked about what should happen next to all the workstations and what Gareth still have to do when I am gone. It will not be easy for him. I didn’t mention that Gareth and I play the same games. That means when I am back in Germany we can play together some rounds Playerunknown Battlegrounds. I am excited about how much we are going to do together then. Gareth helped me really much. He gave his best to give me some interesting topics that I can do at CAPITA. After the work was done I went to the workshop and helped Dave with the computers. The task was to clean the computers with compressed air and to replace a whole motherboard of a laptop. I removed the CPU and some screws. After that we changed the motherboard and it was time to clean the processor and the heat-pipe with a ‘towel’ which we got from dell. It is named chemClean and the smell was like the name. It smelled really bad but it was really good to remove the old thermal paste from the processor and the heat-pipe. Afterwards I had to renew the thermal. It was hard to peel the new thermal paste from the paper. But I managed it and the paste fitted perfect on the CPU. I screwed everything together and verified the laptop with a stress test tool. The Laptop worked again. That means we can bring it back to the customer. As usual the time was passing very quickly and it was time to go home.

