
Well, I’ve to admit that the heading of this blogpost betrays too much already but what else should I call a weekend full of coughs and (home)sickness?

The reason that I couldn’t join the rest of the AFIB group to their trip to Dublin, was my plan to attend to the Northern Ireland Developer Conference 2017 with my colleagues on Saturday. But how life is challenging your luck sometimes, I couldn’t join none of those exciting events because I got very ill. I had even fever – and I’m still not really 100% healthy. At the evenings I get really bad coughs and a very dry throat. I don’t sleep that well and wake up with a swollen throat and clogged ears every morning. But what wears me even more down is being really homesick steadily. Usually I’m not the type of person at all being homesick, I love traveling, even desire to wander very often and I have been abroad for a whole year already before. But as a proper Berliner, who is used to big cities, to the whole diversity, possibilities and vibrancy and living in Kreuzberg (the heart of Berlin) on top, is Belfast not the easiest place to stay for two whole months. It’s not only the size and the very calm vibe of the „city“ (it’s more like a huge village), what makes me feel so homesick – t’s much more the very depressing and overwhelming rainy weather with almost none existing sunshine plus the fact being apart from my lovely fiancé and family/ friends.

I think that your state of mind is so important, that it’s able to control and influence your whole physical strain. Actually it was just foreseeably that I’ll get sick like I’m at the moment. But I’m trying my best to get 100% healthy again. Here is one of many proofs:


Nobody can’t really doubt my nutrition or way of living. I may even maintain that I don’t know any other person, who pays more attention to it’s nutrition and personal fitness. This is yet again THE ultimative proof that your state of mind (and natural Vitamine D) is as important as your lifestyle.

Sorry for whining so much in this blogpost but this is supposed to be an honest review about our experiences and some badder times will be always a part of life as well. This is the only way to appreciate the better ones though! 😉

So apparently I can’t wait to be back home soon, even though I love the work and the Locate a Locum team very much! This will be the only thing that I’m going to miss a lot for sure…