Wlan for the Ulster Museum

Since wednesday a employee of HP is on our work, to help our boss Robin setting up a new wlan network. Unfortunately, I could’nt help them but it was interesting two watch what both were doing. At first they set up a Aruba 7010 controller by updating the firmware on it. After that they created some SSID’s for the network.

On thursday (the 2th) we didn’t drove to our normal workplace in cultra but right into the Ulster museum. In the server room Robin and the HP employee worked on the configuration of the controller and even drafted a virtual one. Because it took longer then expected, I think they had some difficulties.

Meanwhile i spend most of the time saving user datas from a computer to transfer them to another system. The day before i pre-installed a new SSD hard drive on the computer, so my only task is to copy the user files but this took the half of the day.

In the break we went to a sandwich shop near the museum and because I love the sandwiches, I ordered two of them.

Today on friday preperations were made for the upcoming Hill climb event. I prepared a computer, so a user will be automatically logged in with the help of „Autologon“. Furthermore I disabled the standby mode, so the computer won’t turn off.

Otherwise there was not much going on and I went to bed early.

For translation in german and better quality of the pictures, click here

How friendly is Belfast?

This is another requested matter, this time it’s something I am qualified to comment on. I’ve witnessed random acts of kindness. It think it was yesterday when I saw and heard a woman warning another woman about the dog poop she was about to walk in to. They didn’t know each other. Last week I saw an elderly man in the distance, he fell over and it took mere seconds for the people nearby to rush to him and help him up. The important aspect is not that somebody helped him up, but that everybody near him was immediately concerned. „How friendly is Belfast?“ weiterlesen

High-ranking Visit

After having a very chilled (and rainy! what a wonder, right?) day off on Monday because of bank holidays, it was time to say a very early (4.30 am) goodbye to my fiancé after one week, which made me a bit sad again. We both hate it being apart from each other. But I don’t want to start a hopeless romantic story for you guys now.

„High-ranking Visit“ weiterlesen

The Sonic Screwdriver

After it was „Bank Holiday“ and I had one day off I had to work again on tuesday (the 30th). At work I installed Windows 10 on a laptop and finally encoded it with the help of the safety-tool „BitLocker“. Of course, the 3D printer was in use again. I printed a screwdriver, a sonic-screwdriver! And what does a sonic-screwdriver do? Exactly, it sonicscrew drives. Well… in german it sounds funnier. To paint our printed objects, Konrad and I put some money together and bought some spray cans. I lacquered my sonic-screwdriver and I must say it looks really great!

After work Konrad and I realised that we forgot our food, as before which we bought in the break for the evening and therefore we had to buy something new. This time we ate chicken cutlet with sauce and rice and I drank a german beer to that. I was wondering why the bottle was so big and then I saw it was a six hundred and sixty millilitre one. I also noticed that my beer i not imported? It was brewed in the UK! Scam!

For translation in german and better quality of the pictures, click here

What Belfast’s residents eat

This topic (refer to the title) was requested by my dad and I honestly have no idea what to tell you about it. I see and walk by a lot of people eating many different things. But I can’t tell whether they are real Belfastians (let’s use that term from now on). They could be tourists. I had lunch with a couple of co-workers a week ago, only one of them was a true Belfastian. He ate pizza. Adding someone to the sample: An Irish colleague in the bureau – desk facing towards me – always has some snacks stored on his table. What I see there right now is a half of a dark (70% cacao) chocolate bar, a banana, an orange and some package on which „organic“ is written on. Mysterious. Oh, and of course there is tea. Tea is probably the common ground for all Belfastians.

„What Belfast’s residents eat“ weiterlesen

Rainy Days

So after I was in the hills on Friday the weather was so rainy and much colder than the other days I just spend most of the weekend at home. I facetimed my friends and talked to them, they kept told me what I am missing and what happened in the past 3 weeks in there live, although we are texting on the daily basis. Apparently the weather in Berlin is very nice by the time now and we having a lot of rain right now here in Belfast. Some of my friends in Berlin were in there Pool outside maybe because it’s like over 30° there. I would rather have that good weather right now in Belfast than 14° and the whole day it’s raining. Normally at this time in year my friends and I play basketball outside and listening to music. My friends sending me pictures of their BBQ and Basketball sessions. I know when I am back the first things I do is playing Ball and doing a BBQ with my friends and enjoy the sun. My friends and I stay connected over the whole time here in Belfast which is really good.