This topic (refer to the title) was requested by my dad and I honestly have no idea what to tell you about it. I see and walk by a lot of people eating many different things. But I can’t tell whether they are real Belfastians (let’s use that term from now on). They could be tourists. I had lunch with a couple of co-workers a week ago, only one of them was a true Belfastian. He ate pizza. Adding someone to the sample: An Irish colleague in the bureau – desk facing towards me – always has some snacks stored on his table. What I see there right now is a half of a dark (70% cacao) chocolate bar, a banana, an orange and some package on which „organic“ is written on. Mysterious. Oh, and of course there is tea. Tea is probably the common ground for all Belfastians.
Schlagwort: Food
prisoner for one day
Today I spent my time with my mom. We first met at the St. Georges Market to eat some breakfast and thought about what we could do today. „prisoner for one day“ weiterlesen
Video calling my cat
This might be my worst or best title yet. Doesn’t it sound like a good premise for a new RTL2 reality show? Or a new animal TV format for VOX? But it would probably turn out boring, nothing scandalous nor heart-breaking would happen. And I’d have to agree, video calling my cat wasn’t really that exciting, considering he ignored me the whole 5 minutes (I am sure it wasn’t intentional). Video calling humans – my parents and my sister, did make more sense. And it was nice to see them again. Even though there are some things I miss from back home, I am not homesick (yet).
Relaxed monday
After I played Ingress and explored Belfast almost the whole weekend; a new week starts. Luckily on mondays the museum is closed for public. Arrived at work we first talked a long time about the still available construction site at home in our bathroom. Alone that would be an article worth. Later that day as we were on our way to the supermarket, Konrad and I randomly came on the subject to buy a new soundsystem for our home, but suddenly our colleagues were so nice to lend us one from their stock. Now we can listen to music from our laptop without the tinny quality. After lunchtime we drove together with a colleague to the Ulster museum to finish some tasks. The first task was only to change the SD card in one of the information tables. As the next task we updated the AntiVirus software on some computers because of the malware known from the weekend. After we had all done our colleague was so nice to bring us home, even the Ulster museum isn’t far away from that. We used the remaining free time to shop and cook some food. Before the day was finally over I had some time to also install some updates on my windows and I could even work on one of my projects.
For translation in german and better quality of the pictures, click here
First Weekend
The first weekend in belfast is over. On Friday evening some of our group met in Max and my house. We cooked something for dinner and ate all together. We sat the whole evening and talked about our first week at work. „First Weekend“ weiterlesen
The Saint George’s Market
The Saturday started in the morning with visiting the gym and doing a workout for two and a half hours. After training Dominik and I went home.
„The Saint George’s Market“ weiterlesen
The first weekend and some overall thoughts
Today I thought about writing about the whole weekend, since it was, in my opinion, not enough to fill one whole article with one day. Thus I’ll start with Saturday, where we were at the St. George’s Market. It is, as the name already says, a rather big market where you can buy fresh made food, some art or jewellery and even meat that is brought fresh from the local farms. The whole market is in a big open building sou you can walk around rather freely.
Today is my third day of work. I can already announce an accomplishment: I found my way to work without utilizing the map application of my smartphone. But let’s not get too enthusiastic, I still don’t know how to get to the gym, which is about 600m away from my work place. I DO know how to get to LIDL though, just so you know I have my priorities straight. „Familiarisation“ weiterlesen
Starting at DATACTICS (not DATATICS!)
I was nervous when I entered the DATACTICS bureau on the second floor. 2 months is a rather long time and I wouldn’t want to make a bad first impression. I was 15 minutes early, but waiting outside wasn’t an option. So, I just entered. „Starting at DATACTICS (not DATATICS!)“ weiterlesen