A relaxed Friday


At work work Philipp and myself continued to work at the Enterprise Vault project. Compared to the weeks before we had to install the EV software at our Windows Server OS. Sounds easy but it actually it wasn’t that easy. First problem: Every letter and every setting has to be as given in the instruction otherwise the installation will fail our it will work but the software won’t start. Second problem: The instruction was for an earlier version of EV. Third problem: We had not all files which we needed, so we had to copy the files from a already existing server to our server. It took us round about 4 hours to install the software. Now we have to read a 152 filling pages long document to configure EV. But that’s a task for our last two weeks.

On Friday evening René asked us if we want to meet and play monopoly. At the same time Dominik asked me what I want to do on evening. Either he or I was in the mood to play monopoly we decided to meet be ourselves. So we met at 7 p.m. and we prepared chipped potatoes and ate together. Max also joined us a little bit later and the three of us sat together and ate. After we were done all three of us went to Dominik’s house but Max left us to play monopoly by Philipp. Dominik and I sat in his house, listened to music and we used google maps to show us each other, were we exactly live, were we love to spent holiday and I showed him the town I grown up named Bad Freienwalde. After some time we decided to join the other guys at playing monopoly. But when we arrived, nobody played monopoly. Everybody just sat around, they talked and laughed. Anyway it wasn’t a problem for Dominik and myself so we joined them and all of us sat in Philipp’s house until midnight.
