AVA Festival and Conference 2017

My colleague and now roommate Michael told me about this festival, called AVA a few weeks ago already. As the lineup looked quite well and represented the kind of music that I’m into it, I decided to organize some tickets for myself. Lucky me that my fiancé used to print one of the few independent magazines in Germany (proud magazine) and is still publishing articles online, so that we were able to get two press tickets for the festival. The only thing I had to do is writing a little preview and as may be the case a review as well, according on my experiences there.

„AVA Festival and Conference 2017“ weiterlesen

The second half kick-off

Has it already been four weeks? It doesn’t feel like it. I feel like it’s the second week… There is room for different interpretations for this statement. The first one is the optimistic one. If time goes by fast, it means you are enjoying yourself. The second one is rational. If this feels like a second week, what have I actually accomplished the last two weeks? The third interpretation can be made based on my prior articles on this site. If I have no sense of spatial orientation, I could also have no temporal orientation. That’s fair, but I would tend to believe the first two theses. „The second half kick-off“ weiterlesen