First Day In London

Steven who is my roommate and I didn’t know what to do on our first day so we decided to check out the nearest supermarkets which are Aldi and Lidl. After that we went to the nearest train station which is Catford Bridge so I could get myself an Oyster card and because we were already at the station we took the next train to go into the city.

So we went to the London Bridge walked over it and after that we walked along the Thames where we passed the London Tower and from there we went over the Tower Bridge. From there we went back to the London Bridge station and on the way we checked out a Tesco supermarket. We took the train back to Catford and went home.

When we arrived at home we spent some time for ourselves in our room until supper was ready. So we went downstairs to get supper where we met our host mother for the first time because she was in the church earlier. We also got to know two teachers from France that also will be staying here for five days with us. When we finished our very delicious supper me and Steven went to bed because we both were really tired after that day.

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