My first day in London

With our first morning we were beginning our day quite relaxful. Pascal and I woke up at nine o‘ clock to have a little breakfast and preparation. We had arranged a visit of the city centre with Louis, a classmate of my host sibling Pascal. A little late we left the house of our host family but we catched the train nevertheless. Arriving on the platform in time we realized the train to have a delay of a couple of minutes. After seven stops we reached London bridge where we met up Louis.

On our way to the tower bridge the first thing we did was to go to a kiosk to buy a bottle of water. In my rush before we left home I had forgotten my water bottle unfortunately. We took a narrow street towards the Tower Bridge. We appeared between London’s city hall and the famous bridge which we crossed the Thames via. Following the Tower of London left wise we reached its underground station. Louis bought an Oyster card himself too to be able to take the underground to Oxford Circus with us. Having already a look for some lunch we found a Marks & Spencer’s shopping centre with something similar to a self-service canteen in its basement. After waiting for 20 minutes at noontime we could get us a portion of different lunch. Pascal and Louis got themselves a cardboard box with chicken rice and a red-orange sauce looking spicily. I chose three different salads which fortunately completely fitted in my lunch box: green cale salad, quinoa nut salad and a third one. Afterwards, a couple of buildings further Pascal and Louis bought a package for an electronic SIM card to become able to have phone and data signal in underground areas. For one station to Piccadilly Circus we took the underground for them to be able to directly test their package.
On our way walking to Covent Garden we stopped at a huge M&Ms‘ shop. Four floors of sweats basically describe the shop. Because of a heavy parfume of chocolate smell and probably the amount of people who were there the big city’s air outside felt really freshly. In the Apple store at Covent Garden I let me give advice about the recent Apple Watch but rather for joy.
We continued our walk to he southern side of the Thames crossing the Hungerford Bridge.
On a market there I had my lunch buying Samosa which I ate on our way to the Westminster Bridge. Strangely, my two companions did not want to cross the bridge by feet due to their thought about too many people. So even through we were on the bridge’s opposite site of London Eye we took the bus for one stop. I was nearly ashamed for my group.
In Sankt James Park we had a seat on the the maedow. Generally I realize that meadows of English parks are cared of very well. I suggested to visit Churchill War Rooms but without success. At the Trafalgar Sauare we went for a coffee break visiting Pret a Manger.
We went home by taking the train from Charing Cross station. Having a dinner without Memoumbas again of mac ’n cheese our host mother had prepared for us we ended our day.

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