The english course has ended

The english course, which took place from 9am till 12:30pm, has been a lot of fun, as it was not taught through dull grammar lessons, but interacting with the other students who all where from different countries which for some, may help to take away the fear of approaching strangers.


Afterwards the whole group of the OSZIMT met up to discuss what to do and where to go and as a result split up into smaller groups.
Most often we would go to have lunch first and then explored the surrounding area.
One of the places I enjoyed most was in front of the University of Greenwich at the Thames, as you could sit there with the beautiful campus in your back and the Thames with its catamaran ferry in front of you.


Just a short walk further was the Cutty Sark, a clipper class cargo ship primarily used to bring tea from china to the British Isles.
Around it is an open place with benches to sit and enjoy the day.



After dinner a few of us met up to try out different pubs in the vicinity of our host-families, but still having time on our side, we are willing to try and find our favourite to spend our off-time.

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