
In the morning I finished the bread I had bought last week. We met at our agency. An employee did the formalities with us. Then, we were introduced to our work placement in London. I got a sheet with information about the company I was allocated. For the afternoon, there was an interview scheduled.
I went on my way to the city center. Due to signal improvement works both to next trains were canceled and I got a bit of panic. In Citymapper I had been presented connections taking two hours of time. And there was only less than two hours to the beginning of my interview. But when I asked a friendly officer I was recommended an alternative. I took a DLR train from Cutty Sark and had enough time left at the end, fortunately.
After a quick lunch of pasta I was welcomed to DocuLand the company I will work for six weeks. A nice man welcomed me and went to their basement into the kitchen where I had my interview with him. He gave me an introduction to the company which he had founded in 2004. Basically you can say the company is a copy shop. Of course it was also about terms and conditions. I told him a part about about my development and declared the project which I had had two to three years ago.
Here my project will be to setup a server with a domain for all their computers. And I will support the employees as soon as they have a problem with a printer or another technical issue.
In the evening I had a conversation with host brother Pascal about different topics.

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