A Very Calm Easter Weekend

The weekend didn’t start as I thought I would because I started to feel bad at Wednesday evening and over the night it got worse. At the morning I knew I caught a cold and that I need some resting time so after my language course and a short trip to the coffee shop Avocado & Coffee I decided to go home and take a rest and to work against my sickness.

I felt a bit better on Friday so I decided to go out with Nickolas and Artin. Even though I almost couldn’t hear anything because of the pressure on my ears we went to the nearest pub The Ninth Life in Catford and took a little snack there afterwards we went to a park in Catford and relaxed there for some minutes.

The Saturday was a kind of lazy day because Nickolas and I just stayed home and watched movies or shows and played some video games. I ended the show The Punisher and I started rewatching the show Stranger Things in preparation for the third season coming in July.

On Sunday we three went to the pub again and enjoyed some drinks and even eat something. On Monday we did exactly the same thing but Nickolas and Artin went to a barber shop before the pub to get a haircut for their job interview on the following day.

On Tuesday some of us got their information for their information on their job placements for the next weeks and I am going to have a job interview tomorrow in Twickenham which I am very excited for.

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