The last touch ups.

Today, I went to my workplace as usually, this time I surprisingly had no problems with the traffic. When I arrived there, I started directly with a meeting related to one of my projects. They still want to use one of my projects, so we had to do the last touch ups for the actual program and explain everything to the other colleagues. I had to do this in order for them to use it later when I couldn’t help anymore.

We also figured out that they have to prepare one important document, before we can use my project. The plan was to finish the document before next Friday (tomorrow), but this was not longer possible.

My colleague tried to set up everything by his self but with the help of my documentation and I have to say it worked very well, he got it.

Also some colleagues asked me today, if I liked the stay in London and my work. I explained to them that I didn’t like it that much because of the troubles and the work, which was more programming as improving English. Also my tasks were not the tasks which you give normally to an intern. I got task from at a developer level and they also asked me to do things like this.

They understood me and were also happy about my feedback, also they told me that they want to improve these things with the time.



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