4th week comes to an end

Four days of working are over and this weekend marks the middle of our stay here in Belfast. For me, the four weeks passed fairly quickly. Mainly because of the good company and because there was always something to do.  „4th week comes to an end“ weiterlesen

Fish and chips

Most of the time I go to the next tesco for lunch at work and get me packed bread or some fruits. Today I decided to eat something warm. There is a very small fish and chips take-away store near our workplace called „The Supreme“ (62 Sandy Row). Even if I rarely eat fish, I still wanted to try it because its so well known food and part of the culture here. „Fish and chips“ weiterlesen

Review of the third week

Now nearly the half of our internship has passed. The third week was really exiting. A highlight was especially the cinema.

Work has become more interesting and we started getting more challanging tasks. For example, we got to optimize the companys public website.

„Review of the third week“ weiterlesen

„We’re in the Endgame Now“

Yesterday we went to the Movie House located in Dublin Road. We decided to go that day, because every tuesday any movie just costs 3,50 pounds, which is incredible. Some of us are big fans of the Marvel-movies. So we really wanted to watch the shortly released film „Avengers: Endgame“ which is the final showdown of a long leading up movie series (21 so far).

„„We’re in the Endgame Now““ weiterlesen