Fish and chips

Most of the time I go to the next tesco for lunch at work and get me packed bread or some fruits. Today I decided to eat something warm. There is a very small fish and chips take-away store near our workplace called „The Supreme“ (62 Sandy Row). Even if I rarely eat fish, I still wanted to try it because its so well known food and part of the culture here. The store had very fair prices. A piece of fish with a few chips costs around 3 pounds. If you want extra chips you pay around 6 pounds. Normally they add vinegar to the chips but I refused. Maybe I try it another time.

The Fish was really soft and very delicious and the chips were crispy. Since I had no vinegar on it, it was pretty dry but I just added ketchup. I ended up being very stuffed at the end so its really worth the money.

I can recommend it to everybody visiting the UK, even if im not a big fan of fish myself.

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