Review of the third week

Now nearly the half of our internship has passed. The third week was really exiting. A highlight was especially the cinema.

Work has become more interesting and we started getting more challanging tasks. For example, we got to optimize the companys public website.

On Saturday, we ordered two cabs and went to the ASDA store (the one at shore road). This is the cheapest store we found in Belfast yet. Since we were 4 people and went by cabs, we bought a lot of food for us.

What really annoyed me this week was my ongoing cold. On Wednesday I even went to the pharmacy and got something against my coughing. Althrough the pharmacy looked quite shady from the outside, the chemists seemed well educated and could advise me well. Meds are really damn cheap here in Northern Ireland. For example, Paracetamol costs only 25p.

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