Meeting our english teacher

Today we met with our english teacher from our vocational school in germany. We decided to go into the oldest pub of belfast called „Laverys“ wich is family owned since 1918.

The pub is split in 3 different floors  we went to the first floor which is a mixture between a bar and a restaurant. Furthermore there is a private / booking area on the second floor and on the thrid floor there is a pool room.

Since I haven’t ate that much I decided to order a burger. To be honest, this was the worst burger I ever ate. I Paid 10 pounds for a bun with a cutlet in it and a little bit of arugula. Not even sauce. On the other hand our friend florian ordered a plate full of nachos. It was 6 pounds for a mountain of nachos with differents dip sauces and melted cheese. Which was a pretty fair price instead of my burger.

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