Fifth Week Of Work at Locate a Locum

Okay guys, before I start to write my work week down, I’ve some fantastic news to tell:


You can’t imagine how happy I’m about this (and proud on top). Now I’m able to reconstruct graphics with HTML & CSS code. This is so cool, isn’t it? 🙂

Here are the final results:

Bildschirmfoto 2017-06-12 um 16.20.29

But let’s get back to the main topic of this blogpost: my fifth week of working at Locate a Locum. My week was made of finishing the templates (see above) and starting my new task basically. So now you’re asking yourself for sure, what’s my next task, right? Well, this one is way better and much more fun as the one before: building an „About Us“ page for the website, which is still missing at the moment AND without any specifications or strict lines – a dream for any kind of developer! It feels like playing with Lego pieces back in my childhood literally 😀

My first steps were creating a blank HTML file, URL path to the HTML site and starting to make a concept about an appropriate design. How? Well, searching the whole world wide web for good inspirations. On Friday I had this great idea about an implementation of a section for the team. I told Johnny (CEO, Founder) and Paul (Head of Engineering) about my idea and they really liked it and were happy about it that someone is going to do it. Hopefully I can show you the result end of the next week then… Stay tuned – I’ll keep you updated of course!