„There are some things you can’t get back, like words after they’re said and time once it’s gone.“

(quote from unknown)

23th of April – 27th of April in 2018:

Just a summary, because there isn’t enough content to write.
My week is nearly over. The weekend is left …
„„There are some things you can’t get back, like words after they’re said and time once it’s gone.““ weiterlesen

Playing some pool at Laverys | Meeting with my english teacher

Day 27 27.04.2018 Friday


On Friday my department manager took me to Agnew Van Centre / Agnew Volkswagen to configure the router for the cctv problem. If you don’t know what CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) is: CCTV is the term used when cameras are used to capture images. These images are relayed back to a CCTV control room where they are monitored and recorded. This is normal in Northern Ireland because you find them everywhere so every company has to install them (for what I know). Therefore we had to make sure that the CCTV was working properly. We checked the port forwarding, the nat translation, and the routers. „Playing some pool at Laverys | Meeting with my english teacher“ weiterlesen

My working week

Since I can not write too much about my work, I will now summarize what I’ve done the last few days there.

As I wrote in another blog entry, I am in the process of creating a website that supports WordPress. I had to adjust some functions manually, because the plugins of WordPress with the theme of the website was not fully compatible. „My working week“ weiterlesen

Catch a cold | Begin of Project 2

Day 25&26 25 – 26.04.2018 Wednesday&Thursday



On Wednesday I refined my PowerShell script because I didn’t like the format of the file size. It displayed everything in KB and if the file size was huge the number was very huge too so that it was difficult to read if you were trying to analyze the data. Today my department manager gave me the new preparations for the second project. Instead of redesigning an old network I had to design a new one for a new site while the old site is still operating. „Catch a cold | Begin of Project 2“ weiterlesen

Our Trip to the Giants Causeway

On saturday we met at 9:30 pm at the intern europe office and went to the Bus which would take us on our tour to the Giants Causeway, the Sheep Island, and the Dark Forrest where they filmed a scene of Game of Thrones. Luckily the weather that day was great so we werent bothered by rain. The view at the Giants Causeway was wonderfull sadly we had only 1 and a half hour but we still got some good pictures. After the Giants Causeway we drove to the sheep island where some us paid 8£ to walk over a bridge and came back after 10 minutes, ridicioulus… Later we drove to the Dark „Forrest“ where they filmed a scene of GoT and had a picture with the whole group. After we arrived home we got us some food and beer and went to some other germans which we had met before. It was a very good evening considering i cant remember how i got home.

The new network for a site | End of project 1

Day 23&24 23-24.04.2018 Monday&Tuesday



On Monday I checked my powershell script again to improve it. During the morning we defined new dhcp network scopes because we were going to install some new network components for the first project today. So we had to redesign the network of an already existing branch. I also verified the configs for the new components to make sure that the installation was going to be fluently as much as possible. The associates had to work with them the next day again, so we have to make sure that none of them had any issues and wouldn’t interfere with the work of them. „The new network for a site | End of project 1“ weiterlesen

Afternoon tea

At Sunday the 22th of April in 2018 we meet us at 11pm on the Ulster museum. I saw in the museum culture, nature and art. The entrance was free in this museum. After the museum we gone together to the „Patisserie Valerie“ for our afternoon tea. It taste really good but after the that I was so full.

„Afternoon tea“ weiterlesen