Small steps for the new network design

Day 18&19 18 – 19.04.2018 Wednesday&Thursday


Today I drew some network components in visio, because my supervisor wants to have a visuell plan from the rack first before he wants to buy the stuff. This way we can figure out if there is enough space for all the equipment. Also it is a good opportunity for me to document everything first. Afterwards I finished the powershell script that Paul gave me. This script is used to run in the server to clean up and delete all files which were not used for a long time (for example 100 days). It also has a command to list all things first before deleting it. I think it was one of the hardest tasks I’ve ever had in powershell. „Small steps for the new network design“ weiterlesen

„The cinema has no boundary; it is a ribbon of dream.“

(quote from Orson Welles)

Monday 16th of April in 2018:

Like every day I start work at 9 a.m., my task for the following days is to collect pc issues. I got the chance to talk to nearly every member and get to know their names again. I think I can remember a lot of names now. It was easier at my first job because everyone had a name badge *grin*.
Jakob, Tim, Son and me had dinner outside. I wanted to have Fish and Chips‘ again because I enjoyed it much. I had at ‚Black Country Living Museum‘ in Dudley seven years ago. Sadly, today I didn’t bring enough money to buy one portion. Alternatively, I decided to have Texan Chips. This dish contains chips, Chilli con Carne and cheese.

„„The cinema has no boundary; it is a ribbon of dream.““ weiterlesen

Visit the cinema

Day by day I am getting more and more used to living here in Belfast, and my everyday life is getting more structured again. Since I discovered an offer at Tesco called „Meal Deal“, which includes a main course (for example, Sandwiches or Noodle salad), a drink and a dessert for £3. That’s why I usually go shopping before going to work. „Visit the cinema“ weiterlesen

Movie night at the Movie House

Today I had muesli for breakfast for the first time, because I wanted to change my eating habit from this week on and want to pay more attention to my body. Yesterday I started doing fitness exercises at home and overdid it a bit. My whole body still hurts after getting up. After I finished eating, I went straight to work. All I can say is a 30 minute walk plus pain all over the body is the perfect early morning combination. „Movie night at the Movie House“ weiterlesen

Movie night at movie house

Day 16&17 16-17.04.2018 Monday&Tuesday


Today my department manager arrived later at work because at Sunday there was a network incident. Some USP didn’t work right. So some services shut down because they don’t had enough power. He was very busy till 13:00 p.m. I used the time to do some research about the cisco asa firewall configuration with which he provided me. After 1 hour I realised that he will arrive a little bit later then I thought. So I asked one of the associates to call and ask him, if I could upgrade more cisco asa (firewalls), because it would better to do get more work done in advance. It would be beneficial to finish the firewalls as soon as possible, so that we could deploy them faster, in case we need them because of an incident or something. „Movie night at movie house“ weiterlesen

Dominik’s birthday party Part II

Today I got up much earlier than usual because Giang, Lord Dome, Son and I wanted to buy ingredients at an asia shop. We wanted to continue to celebrate Lord Dome’s birthday. We all met at 10 am at the asia shop and spent almost 2 hours there. Giang wanted to cook a lot of dishes for us all today and bake a birthday brownie for Lord Dome. „Dominik’s birthday party Part II“ weiterlesen

„If you want to escape, you have to defeat the king.“

(quote from Son, one of my afib classmates)

13th of April in 2018:

First of all, I want to make clear that the jokes about King Dome and his afib domain are just for fun. And they based on a story, which occurred one year ago. I don’t want to embarrass Dominik. He is a great and talented guy.
By the way, Happy Birthday Dome, I wish you all the best, and please stay the way you are.

„„If you want to escape, you have to defeat the king.““ weiterlesen