Testing a new Section and Cinema

Today we got the information that a new section of the program is finished and ready to be tested. Since our boss want to do a presentation about this new features, testing everything and trying to identify any issue or even something that could create a screen of death is the most important task. That also includes that we tested if every change we did trough the interface is affecting the database as intended and narrow down the source of any error as good as possible. But sometimes recreating a problem is really difficult, especially if the source is more or less something a user could do that just slightly differs from what you expecting them to do or what they told you they did.

After work i just ate a quick lunch because Robert, Andy and I were going to cinema to watch Avengers Endgame, because every Tuesday a ticket at the cinema here will costs you only 3.50£. There is one big difference to cinemas in Germany, one of my colleagues at work told me beforehand, and that is that even in a movie like Avengers Endgame there will be no comfort breaks for going to the toilet or getting a new drink. For a movie with a length of approximately 3 hours that sounds a little bit unreasonable, since in Germany you would get at least one.

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