Another Calm Weekend

The weekend was very calm again like the weekend before. I went to Stratford, bought myself some new clothes ate something in the food corner and afterwards I went to the cinema in Greenwich to see the new Avengers movie, which was very good.

On Sunday I just stayed home and watched some shows.

My Mondays always start very early because I watch the latest episode of Game of Thrones and I am always very excited about that. At work a new PC waited for me to be installed with a Windows 10 and then set up for a use in the company after that my managing director gave me some laptops to check on if they are alright. I exchanged the RAM and the memory of them and started to set them up.

I continued this work today and a colleague gave me some hard drives so I can wipe them and then format them meanwhile I installed the operating systems on the laptops.

I have a lot of fun working with the hardware and soon I am going to build a server for the company.

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