First glimpse of Belfast

At 7am I stood up and made my way to the Airport Schönefeld in Berlin. From there, our Plane flew straight to Belfast International Airport. Althrough I already flew once, it was still exiting. The flight took around 2 hours and went without any trouble.

Seeing Ireland for the first time from the sky was stunning. It looked way greener than Germany. Afterwards we took a Bus from the Airport to the center of Belfast. From there we were picked up with Taxis by our agency and drove to our apartment. We are staying at two doublerooms with own Bathrooms. There is also a Kitchen for all of us with a lot of space and also a Microwave.

After getting familiar with our accommodation we went outside to buy food for the first day and also to get familiar with the area around our appartment. We decided to cook Spaghetti Bolognese for all of us. Since we all haven’t ate the whole day, we were all pretty hungy.
Later, we sat in the living room and played some Mario Kart then we went to bed.


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