Review of the first week

Looking back on the first week, I have settled in well in Belfast. The tasks at work are still simple at the moment, but I have the opportunity to contribute my own ideas and suggestions for improvement. I hope to see a lot of challenges in the next seven weeks. I already miss my family and especially my girlfriend at home. But I notice that time is advancing and it is not eternity. Also I still find it incredibly hard to cope with the traffic in the UK. At home I thought to myself „I just look to the other side“ but it turned out to be much more confusing in reality. Nevertheless the drivers in Belfast are very calm and considerate and I still own all my body parts. I have the feeling that I live much calmer here than in Berlin. It is not so crowded here. Also I think it is good that the traffic is limited to bus and taxi. This makes it look less chaotic. Furthermore I am very satisfied with my way to work. I walk only 25 minutes on foot and see a lot of the city.

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