End of the first week

Not too much has happened since my last blog entry, it feels like we are all just waiting for the internship to start. But let me start where I left off on the last entry. From Tuesday onwards our group got seperated into two classes for the english course we had every morning. I’m not gonna lie it was pretty boring (despite me being in the advanced class) for me as I don’t believe that I really need to learn english at this point. If anything I would need to improve my writing, but we did none of that in class.

After class we would split into a couple of groups to go for lunch. Once we we were done eating whatever fast food we decided on for the day we would either head into the city and walk around a bit  or just chill by the Thames since the weather was actually really nice.

We also tried a different pub this week, but we all agreed we liked the first one better. Otherwise we really didn’t do anything special for easter. Julius and me both enjoyed getting to sleep in and just chilling most of the day before work starts next week. I’m actually looking forward to starting work, gonna be exciting to finally get to work in english.

But that’s it from me, gonna write the next update once I’ve actually had my first day at work

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