The Weekend is here

The last four days passed by really fast, but what happened ?

On Thusday and Friday I worked in South London Repair (SLR). During this time I got to know my colleagues better. I also unscrewed a lot of televisions, notebooks, motherboards and build them back together. On Friday we went to a family in the south of London, because there home automation system stopped working and SLR is one of the last companies with certified knowledge about the „Fibaro“ home automation system. In this case the software on the home contoller was way to old and not responding correctly. 

I got really excited for the weekend, because I was going to see the final „Avengers: Endgame“ movie.  So later on Saturday, me and my roommate went to McDonalds to grab something to eat before we go to the new Avengers. We went to a Cinema in Eltham. The movie was really good and now I don’t have to avoid spoilers on the Internet . The person sitting next to me in the Cinema was really happy to see this movie and probably a huge fan, because every time something spectacular happened, he got really excited and did not know where to go with his joy. It was very funny.

My Sunday was pretty chilled. I got some new music, which I’m hearing in a loop and relaxed in my room. Today is also the birthday of a friend of mine, so me and some friends went to a Indian restaurant. It was really delicious and a good end for this weekend.

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