End of the 3th Week

Now we are already 3 weeks in belfast and i think it is a good time for a conclusion. After it was a bit chaotic in the beginning, now everything runs very routinely. Most of the time there is not much going on, but there are always funny moments. The best thing about the time here is that you are independent and can experience a lot. Of course I miss my family and my girlfriend but for such a unique experience it is worth it. I will see if the next weeks will be even more interesting or if you can do something extraordinary. All in all I like it very much here, even if the time is a bit too long for my taste.


A little bit more stress but a relaxing evening

Today was more stressed than usual. The main reasons for this is that 2 new parts of the Project are finished there first developing phase and had to be tested and fixed by tomorrow, because Jonathan and Chris will have a meeting tomorrow to do a presentation about them. Identifying as much problems as possible in a short amount of time even if there are just caused by a small problem is rather taxing on the mind. After work i went to the accommodation to grab something to eat and going to a meeting of the Belfast Friendship Club. It is a weekly meeting of random people to talk with each other and playing some games in a relaxing environment. We played some rounds of Jenga at first but afterwards i played one round of checkers or draughts, which ever you want to call it. I lost this round without any chance to resist but i am still happy about this because the last time ii played checkers was 13 to 16 years ago. The round of chess afterwards, on the other hand, i won. It was an interesting round because the person i was playing with was at roughly the same level as me.

Second Week at Intersys IT

Yesterday my colleague gave me a laptop from his friend so I could change the hard drive to an SSD and install Windows 10 on it, during the installation I started the wiping and formatting of two hard drives. After the installation and configuration of Windows 10 on that one laptop I started to check on others laptops if it’s possible to upgrade them with some more RAM. „Second Week at Intersys IT“ weiterlesen

Rainy day…

My morning was like the other days, nothing special anymore. I arrived at work and I continued programming my program. After some hours I finally finished it. I demonstrated the program to my colleague and we tested it for bugs or other vulnerabilities, but we found nothing.

After the testing part I had to create some triggers in the database, sounds very easy, but when the SQL statement for the trigger is over 10 lines long then its no longer funny.

„Rainy day…“ weiterlesen

Last Day with my Family

The first half of my last week wasn’t really too eventful. I went to work where we mostly renamed a lot of files and got rid of unused, old or duplicate templates that where laying around on the shared drive. When work was over I went home where I relaxed and watched videos.
„Last Day with my Family“ weiterlesen

A special rock

Arriving at DocuLand there were already three employees working on the ground floor. We began checking the server state. Our chief arrived and had a conversation with us. He was interested in what we had reached so far. However, he emphasized what point he strives the company to for at long last. That is, a a backup solution with three to four different storages should be there. Loss of data – and only a few – can cause a very expensive penalty. Furthermore, it should be possible to take a snapshot remotely in case of e.g. a terroristic attack that you can’t go locally any more. DocuLand needs to be able to move to somewhere else nevertheless and while being able to start a new server with the same data without bigger circumstances than buying new hardware.

After bringing away some parcels and letters to the post office I discovered a pizza place very close to our office where I went to. As it felt nicely at the place its pizza was also good. The only thing I could criticize was the chili oil bottle of which, which the spill extension was untight. So it was quite challenging to spill oil to the desired points. „A special rock“ weiterlesen

WWW – work, work and work

I woke up today and I realized that I felt a little bit sick. But this wasn’t something to worry about so I went to work normally. As I arrived there I started a long conversation with my colleague about the project. They didn’t want one of the currently installed features that was implemented in the Surveyprovider’s API, and I tried some workarounds, but they used too much resources.

„WWW – work, work and work“ weiterlesen

„We’re in the Endgame Now“

Yesterday we went to the Movie House located in Dublin Road. We decided to go that day, because every tuesday any movie just costs 3,50 pounds, which is incredible. Some of us are big fans of the Marvel-movies. So we really wanted to watch the shortly released film „Avengers: Endgame“ which is the final showdown of a long leading up movie series (21 so far).

„„We’re in the Endgame Now““ weiterlesen