Last Day with my Family

The first half of my last week wasn’t really too eventful. I went to work where we mostly renamed a lot of files and got rid of unused, old or duplicate templates that where laying around on the shared drive. When work was over I went home where I relaxed and watched videos.

The next day would be the same but rather than going home after work I went to meet up with my family for one last time at the Camden Market where I got myself some Poffertjes with Nutella on top. We went to a pub that was also located in the market where we had a drink.

Afterwards we decided to take the tube to Leicester Square from where we walked through some alleys next to Picadilly Circus. We would end up on Oxford Street where we went to the next McDonald’s to get ourselves some ice cream.

Because it was just five minutes down the street, we went to see the house where Karl Marx lived from 1851-56 and after that we would take the tube to get Colliers Wood where we got into a Co-op supermarket to get some stuff for the next day. Afterwards we would go home where everbody went to sleep.

On Wednesday I had to up get earlier than usual because I would need one hour to get to work. When work was over Artin and I went to the pub where we got ourselves some drinks and afterwards I went home where I had supper and then went to bed.

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