Four Days of Exploring London

My Sunday started the same as every day with a good and not so healthy bowl of cereal.
Steven slept until 13 o’clock and in that time I watched some videos on my laptop. When he finally woke up we went out to meet up together with Artin at the Waterloo East station.
„Four Days of Exploring London“ weiterlesen

Fish and Chips

Today we started our day with a tasty breakfast. Afterwards we went directly to the school. We don’t have much time in the morning because we want to enjoy every minute in our beds.

As we arrived at school we started directly with our lessons. 

Today the topic was about hackers, which isn’t a big deal for IT Students. Our second topic for today, was about typical english or british phrases like: “Today it’s raining cats and dogs”. We learned some useful phrases and how people came up with them.

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First real school lessons

Today we started the day with a delicious breakfast. Afterwards we went directly out to the bus station and we got very fast into the bus.

All normal so far. When we were 1km near our school the cars stopped and 

we stuck into a big traffic jam. First we waited a bit but then we saw nothing moving anymore, so we left the bus and went by foot to school. Luckily we still arrived in time (close, but still in time).

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First Work Day

Today we just had our first work day. The started as usual with a breakfast, after that we just went out to find the bus stop, it wasn´t that hard to find it but still its very different to germany. We just arrived 40 minutes early at work because we wern´t sure about the time we need. We got introduced to everyone and got a little instruction in to the company. Right after that we just got our first task. The day was over quiet fast. After that long an exhausting day we just went home. We spend the rest of the evening with Andy and Florian watching a movie.

How good is your English?

Today we went at 9 o‘clock to our Agency which is in the same time a school. We started immediately with an English test. During the test they also did questions to test our speaking skills.

After all students were finished we got a little break. At this time they checked our tests, and they were able to sort us in two school classes.

After all this we played a game called Articulate, sounds really easy but it isn’t. First of all the playing cards were full of very typical British words which are very hard for us. Also doing all this in a different language than German is somehow hard in my opinion.

„How good is your English?“ weiterlesen

Welcome to Twin

Today we had our first day at our agency’s location itself. The meeting point was a classroom which had been reserved for us today. Firstly, we filled a table writing down our host address details for them to compare. Next, we filled our student card ourselves. We were given an introduction test. The first task was to fill one blank of thirty to fourty sentences. Creative writing about one of three given topics was the next task. „Welcome to Twin“ weiterlesen

Introduction meeting with the agency

Today we had our first meeting with the agency. We were told which duties we have in our accommodation and how to behave. We were also told how to behave in case of illness. Furthermore they told us something about the city. Afterwards we were guided through the city centre. We were then said goodbye there and were able to walk around on our own. From the city center we needed about 20 minutes to walk to our accommodation.

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