Yesterday it was a quite morning at CAPITA. I talked with colleagues until Roy arrived and told me he had something that I had to do before I can edit data restore tickets. At Capita they place great value on data protection. He showed me an eLearning portal where I can get through CAPITA’s data security policies. It took me more than 3 hours to get through all topics and I had to do a test after every Topic. The problem was that if I would fail more than 3 times I had to go through all topics again. Luckily that didn’t happen to me but it was quite hard to answer the questions of the test. Topics of the eLearning where data security, financial crime and health and safety where they show how long you need to take a break and what to do in a case of a fire or also in a case of a bomb thread. I like it very much, how Capita teaches their employees about the safety and data security policies. After a short break I got back to my workplace and saw that the eLearning portal asked me if I am away. Shure I took a break but the program kicked me out and I had to go through a whole topic again. That was really not funny. Luckily these policies only need to be tested every year to every second year. The other colleagues told me that only some topics get changed a little bit because some laws have changed or some laws got added.