The beginning of the Second part in the second week was not so much Interesting. At the work I came in my daily routine here in Belfast like Berlin after two weeks. I Troubleshoot Windows Server SBS 2011 Backup Solutions, and made Excel Tables about some Backup thinks. At the free time we went on Wednesday to the gym and on Thursday to the Tesco to buy something to eat. The Weekend was the Interesting part of this week.
Of course I Install on work some PCs and Laptops with Windows 10. I troubleshoot Windows Server SBS 2011 with the Backup Solution „ThinBackUP! “. I know of a new Router producer. Here are no one knows Fritz Box. One of the big Router producers is Dreytek. It was my task to set this Router to factory Settings.
At the Friday Dominik, Konrad, Rene and I go to a Pub called Cuckoo, like a normal bar from Berlin but this one got a special thing. It was a gaming Bar. A lot of old arcade machines, kickers, table tennis and more. We drank the first Guinness of our life and it was OK, but nothing special from my side of view. After we have finished the Pub abode we go together to Dominik and Konrad’s home to relax the evening together.
