
On the first of April the big journey starts. The next two months I will spend in Ireland. But before that it’s time to pack my bags and try to forget nothing.

The next day, it started early. At 8:00 am we met at Schönefeld airport and said goodbye to our parents and friends. Then we left our luggage, went through the security check and got on the plane. Now we were ready for the flight … unfortunately we had to wait a bit because of technical problems on the plane. With more than one hour late, we started at about 11:40 am o’ clock. After about two hours we landed in Belfast. The weather was relatively cold and windy, but at least it did not rain. After picking up our luggage, we boarded a bus to meet the agency in the city. Unfortunately, there was an accident on the highway, which caused us to get stuck in a traffic jam and we were delayed again.

When we finally arrived at the bus station, we were greeted by a woman from the agency. She accompanies us to our new home, where we will live for the next two months.


After the exhausting drive, I have a rest in my room now.