“Every journey begins with a single step.”

Lao Tzu supposed to say that.

My „journey“ started on the 1st of April in 2018. But first, let me introduce myself.
I am Huong Giang Doan Thi, 21 years old. I am an apprentice as an Information Technology Specialist – specialising in System Integration. Part of my apprenticeship is foreign work experience. Because of that, I will stay in Belfast, the UK for the next two months. Therefore I am going to share my experiences on this blog. I am quite curious about this journey. To live and work in a foreign country for a long time was one of my wishes, which I have had since I was in middle school.
Let´s see what might happen …

The Sunday, which is a holiday in German but also in Northern Ireland, began early. I had to get up and, my family took me to the airport. After the check-in flowed smoothly our group of 12 people, who are my classmates and going to Belfast as well, waited to be boarded. However, every flight has to have problems. 5 minutes before departure there was a technical problem. In the end, we had a delayed departure of 1 h and 40 minutes because of missing kerosine …

almost arriving

After getting our luggage and some money, we took the bus Airport Express 300 to the Europa Buscentre, where Agathe Nassim, who is an employee from InterEurope, was waiting for us. She took us to our accommodation. Afterwards, Tim, Son and me went to Tesco Express to buy some groceries and had dinner together. I think pasta with tomato sauce is an excellent choice for the first cooked meal in a foreign country.
But the day wasn´t over yet; we went to meet the other guys in the centre in a pub, Hatfield House.

pub ‚Hatfield House‘

Because of a holiday day, nearly every pub closed at 10 p.m. That´s why we went home and rested. I think that is enough for the first day 🙂 .

-Huong Giang-