What a day

Today was quite an eventful day. I had my interview at the company, where I have to work for the next 6 months and back home was a surprise awaiting for me. So let’s start from the beginning …

Yesterday most of us got their information about the company where they will be working at and some information about the upcoming interview from the agency.

My company is called SouthLondonRepair (SLR) and repairs defect televisions, tablets, notebooks and much more. It also sells and install some home automation systems and CCTV.

The Interview started at 10 am and was at Addiscombe, which is far outside the city. We talked a bit about what I did in my past and what the company is selling and some first question around the job. My first day of work will be tomorrow and the colleagues seems to be very friendly, so I’m excited to see how things will evolve back here in London.

I got back home at around 12 o’clock. There wasn’t any task I had to do, for the rest of the day, so I started to relax. But I received a package from Germany. My entire family send me a package, with some sweets and photos of their Easter holidays and wished me just the best for my internship in London.

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