Finally Working!

The last few days of my stay here in london have been spent just enjoying life. Most days Nickolas, Steven, and I have been going to a pub called „Ninth Life“. This place has a beer called „Lagunitas IPA“, which is a beer that originates out of the small town that I grew up in, Petaluma, California. Being in the UK, we have also been drinking Guinness here. They also have great chicken wings. I also recently got a hair cut at a barber called „Istanbul Barbershop“.

Concerning the work placement, most of my fellow trainees got a place to work, other than Nickolas, Louis, and I. We had to go to the English class for one more day, on tuesday. But on this tuesday, we all were on the phone with a woman from the agency. She apperently got Nickolas and I a placement somewhere called „The Cassel Centre“. „The Cassel Centre“ is a community of around sixty professionals providing counselling, psychotherapy, CBT and therapeutic social work. At 16:30, Nickolas and I had an interview for this job.

Today was our first work day, where we spent our time getting to know the place. We both partook in our first task, composing and sending various emails to patients, which was a time consuming job, taking us most of the day. Now, after hours, Nickolas and I are chilling at „Ninth Life“ enjoying another round of Lagunitas and Guinness.

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