Work, fish & chips

Today, in the morning as usual I went to my workplace, the Twin-School. When I arrived there, I started immediately with my task from the previous day. My colleague, the one who gave me the tasks wasn’t there when I arrived. Later when he showed up we had a little talk about the program.

I was now informed for the next steps to program. The main idea is to collect all the data from an online service and put them into a database. The tricky part is that, in another table from the database is written which survey is synced and which survey field to which table row as well. All these functions together make the program a bit complicated. So I decided to create for everything objects and now my program is fully object oriented and the code looks very structured.

In the evening I went out and walked a bit around. I found a little restaurant which offered fish and chips. Last time I ate fish and chips in London (expect in my host family) was years ago. Immediately I went to the restaurant and I got a very big fish with a lot of chips for around 6€.

After I ate, I went back to the Twin-School. I had just spent 30 minutes of my 1 hour lunch break. I didn’t know what to do in the other 30 minutes…

I went back to my work and continued programming. Around 5 pm, I went out and got directly the bus. I was in time home and my host family was already waiting for me to eat dinner. For dinner I had a delicious pizza. After a day of just sitting around and eating ‘unhealthy’ food, I went out for my daily sport activities.

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