A Mellow Weekend

This weekend I didn’t really do anything special, I just spend time at home watching the TV Series Game of Thrones. I also started making plans for next week because my parents are going to visit me.

A good friend of mine and I booked a hostel for mid May, preparing us for his visit. He is coming on the 17th and leaving on the 19th. I’m going to show him London and we are might do some sight-seeing.

Today at work Nickolas and I went through a large database of client files, mostly word documents, and our task was to rename them according to special scheme. We also had to look for unused and empty templates and move them into a separate folder.

After work, Nickolas and I are going to go to „The Ninth Life“ and have a beer. I am exited to getting to know my company in other ways and partake in interesting tasks.

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