This topic (refer to the title) was requested by my dad and I honestly have no idea what to tell you about it. I see and walk by a lot of people eating many different things. But I can’t tell whether they are real Belfastians (let’s use that term from now on). They could be tourists. I had lunch with a couple of co-workers a week ago, only one of them was a true Belfastian. He ate pizza. Adding someone to the sample: An Irish colleague in the bureau – desk facing towards me – always has some snacks stored on his table. What I see there right now is a half of a dark (70% cacao) chocolate bar, a banana, an orange and some package on which „organic“ is written on. Mysterious. Oh, and of course there is tea. Tea is probably the common ground for all Belfastians.

Yesterday we were visited by our instructor back from Germany. He also shortly & spontaneously visited my office (the perks of working in the centre). He just walked right into the office, the door is nowadays open because of the heat, and just stood there for a couple of seconds. Sean told me later on, that he thought he was just some random stranger entering the office. After the first few awkward seconds I greeted him and introduced him to Sean. We had a quick chat about my general work tasks. My instructor asked whether I could get half the day off, to meet with him and my other colleagues from Germany. And of course I was allowed to. We spent the afternoon in a cafe/restaurant and talked about our work and accommodations.
Even though I spent a lot of time with my colleagues I didn’t know up until this point how many of them were inclined to go back to Germany. I haven’t reached that point yet. We still have so much to see: Dublin, the Titanic Museum, Giant’s Causeway and maybe we should climb up the Cave Hill again. I am also weirdly excited about the Bingo night – an event organized by the agency. Once all of this is done I am going to consider returning to Germany.
The office move is now officially postponed till next Wednesday. Which was probably the wisest decision. So there is no rush to test everything in the new office – for now. I am still working on researching the server migration process. I ran into some problems regarding the user credentials of my improvised ESXi server (which is needed to host one of the Amazon machines). I am trying to use a different approach now, without utilizing the server.
For today’s article I have prepared a rather unconventional ending. You might have read René’s article and maybe you have seen the very flattering photo of me in there. René? This photo is for you.