3D nameshields

Sine the last few days wasn’t much going on, I decided to create some 3D logos. First I designed my Nytron logo in 3D and then I printed it. My boss Robin directly searched for the logo of the National Museum Northern Ireland; NMNI because he said my logo looks really good. I customized the logo with Adobe Illustrator, designed it in 3D and finally printed it. Along with Konrad I tried to paint it with sponges and spray cans. The result isn’t perfect but it’s okay.

Oh, and I made a time lapse video while it printed the Nytron logo.


Because everybody liked the logos I began to create nameplates for Robin and our colleague Gareth. Also these were a success! The next day Gareth showed us his nameplate because his girlfriend painted it colorful. Not bad!

The next few days I spent creating some models. For example: Dog tags.

Apart from that I installed and encoded a laptop and changed some cables. On my virtual Windows servers I changed the network cards from 1Gbit to 10Gbit because my storage is faster than 125MB/s.

For translation in german and better quality of the pictures, click here

Understanding and speaking Belfastian

I was really cocky the first few weeks. I thought I understood the Belfastians very well. I understood Sean, Josh and the most of the other people in the bureau very clearly. But then, this one Clarity guy appeared and my ego was put to rest. I did not grasp any of what this man said at all. Gladly, he talked to Sean and/or Stuart (boss of DATACTICS) most of the time. I can still see myself: standing in close proximity, smiling, nodding and acting like I’m understanding every word. I faked it well. „Understanding and speaking Belfastian“ weiterlesen

The tale of Dominik B., King of Dublin

Once upon a time, a reckless group of German interns residing in Belfast decided to visit Dublin. It was a cold Saturday morning but they were all very excited for the trip. Their vehicle arrived early and it took only around 2 hours until they arrived in Dublin. But they were fools and did not make any plans on what to do in Dublin! So they just started to walk down the large road. They did not know their journey would take some unexpected turns… „The tale of Dominik B., King of Dublin“ weiterlesen

Tour to Dublin

On saturday nearly all members of our group came with us to Dublin. Around eight o’clock we met near Great Victoria street to take the bus. Luckily Dominik was so kind and bought the tickets last wednesday. Many thanks again! The bus drive lasted approximately two and a half hours and actually Dominik and I wanted to take a nap meanwhile but as so often we talked to much. The ride was very pleasant and there were always nice views of the landscape.

As we arrived in Dublin we first walked a bit around but a little later Philipp and I split up from the group to play Ingress. Because we had played we walked much and saw many things. Actually, you can also view the game as a kind of travel guide. As we walked, I quickly noticed clear differences between Dublin and Belfast; Dublin is much bigger and in my opinion clearly european, moreover you can notice it is full of tourists. Due to this I like Belfast much more. In the evening we all met again and went to eat at a korean restaurant before we went back to Belfast.

Back home the evening wasn’t over yet. Some of the group members came to Konrads and my house to drink something. In the end we all talked so much that it was very late and René decided to sleep at our house.

The sunday I spent (more or less wanted) almost completly with sleeping. Sometimes it has to be like this, right?

For translation in german and better quality of the pictures, click here