It has said right from the start: You need to read my previous blogpost to understand and get an idea about what I’m going to talk about in this one.
Schlagwort: work
Seventh Week Of Work At Locate a Locum
„Everything has an end, only the sausage has two.“ – and with the fact that this internship doesn’t seem to be a sausage, it has an end or I should say „it comes to an end“ for now.
Barbecue at work
The working week was quite interesting. We had to configure a plugin for the Enterprise Vault software. Like I mentioned last time we had to read a huge documentary „Barbecue at work“ weiterlesen
The leave of a good colleague
The Friday is near and a good colleague went back to Spain.
„The leave of a good colleague“ weiterlesen
Reasons to love Belfast
I am going to let the pictures speak for themselves:

A relaxed Friday
At work work Philipp and myself continued to work at the Enterprise Vault project. Compared to the weeks before we had to install the EV software at our Windows Server OS. „A relaxed Friday“ weiterlesen
Fire drill
Before I start let me tell you something: I HATE RAIN. Why? Let me explain. The week started quite normal: „Fire drill“ weiterlesen
WHEEE… An interesting job to do… sort of
Well, I finally came to do something interesting and useful… Well, at least it is more useful than the basic stuff. We got some thin clients and I worked with Graham to make them able to deploy the next week.
Sixth Week Of Work At Locate a Locum
Guys, do you remember I told you about my task designing/ building a „About Us“ site? Not only I was able to finish it this week, I also finished the next task designing/ building a „FAQ“ site as well! This work week has been one of the best ones by far! Very happy and proud about the results!
It’s slowly coming to an end
This week, there was nothing really special to mention until now. I set up a few Computers, a new user and so on and so forth. The basic stuff.