How friendly is Belfast?

This is another requested matter, this time it’s something I am qualified to comment on. I’ve witnessed random acts of kindness. It think it was yesterday when I saw and heard a woman warning another woman about the dog poop she was about to walk in to. They didn’t know each other. Last week I saw an elderly man in the distance, he fell over and it took mere seconds for the people nearby to rush to him and help him up. The important aspect is not that somebody helped him up, but that everybody near him was immediately concerned. „How friendly is Belfast?“ weiterlesen

What Belfast’s residents eat

This topic (refer to the title) was requested by my dad and I honestly have no idea what to tell you about it. I see and walk by a lot of people eating many different things. But I can’t tell whether they are real Belfastians (let’s use that term from now on). They could be tourists. I had lunch with a couple of co-workers a week ago, only one of them was a true Belfastian. He ate pizza. Adding someone to the sample: An Irish colleague in the bureau – desk facing towards me – always has some snacks stored on his table. What I see there right now is a half of a dark (70% cacao) chocolate bar, a banana, an orange and some package on which „organic“ is written on. Mysterious. Oh, and of course there is tea. Tea is probably the common ground for all Belfastians.

„What Belfast’s residents eat“ weiterlesen


After considering the title „Uphill“ before, this time it’s more than well-deserved that it opens up this article. Saturday we went up the mountain and it was exhausting as well as rewarding. The view was great and probably more than 500 pictures were taken at the top of the mountain. My personal favorites are shown below.

„Uphill“ weiterlesen

The third week of eight

The third week started normal, nothing special happened. On normal workdays my tasks are to check if Windows Server backups have some problems. If they have problems, I solve them. Sometimes the backup’s fails onetime, sometimes the database link has changed and sometimes the space of the hard drive is overloaded. That’s why the backups cannot save on the hard drive temporally. Every day several servers have different problems! But nothing that I cannot solute.

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