Okay, I just couldn’t resist to withhold our first pub night out ever from you in Belfast with the Locate a Locum team!
So first of all you need to know that everything close way earlier in Belfast as in Berlin. When people in Belfast going back home from their night out, most of the people in Berlin are just getting ready to start their night! So this is the reason also why we just started our night out, or I should even better call it afternoon out, straight after work around 5/ 5:30 pm already on Friday.
Some of our team, my beloved fiancé Emin and other exciting entrepreneurs from the co-working office, which we’re sharing with at the Lombard house, just crossed the walkaway of the office to a backyard where one or even the oldest pub of whole Belfast is located at. This is also the place where I tried my first Guinness beer ever, although I hate beer so much. But it felt kind of impolite to reject the invitation of my colleagues at my first getting to know night out with them. So I gave it a try and I’ve to admit that I was surprised how soft it tasted, like a milkshake version of beer, even though it looked super dark and heavy at first sight. After some more rounds (luckily I managed to cheat and to suspend those rounds secretly), we all realized that we’re actually really hungry and no, it was not only about the fact of drinking. It was simply the reason of eating nothing since the lunch break, which has been about seven hours already. So we decided to move on and started to walk to „The Dirty Onion“ , a pretty fancied pub garden in Belfast, where you can get the best chicken in town apparently. I’ve to admit that the chicken was really good also – super soft, juicy and tasty.

I liked the atmosphere over there as well. It was as full as the busy and popular places in Berlin! It seems like people in Belfast love goingout for drinks and good food! You see more people in pubs as in shops or on the street in the afternoons in general, which made me a bit perplex. After finishing the chicken and having some more really funny, but also good and interesting chats, Emin and I decided to leave the group to spend a bit time together alone, before he will fly back to Berlin on Sunday.

But if you think this was the end of the night, I’ve to disappoint you unfortunately. We made one more very important stop around 12:30 am before getting home finally: